Body Basic | Stretch Marks

69,99€ Ar PVN
Translation missing: lv.products.product.regular_price
AKCIJA 36% 109,78
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
Body Basic | Stretch Marks
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Body Basic | Stretch Marks

69,99€ Ar PVN
Translation missing: lv.products.product.regular_price
AKCIJA 36% 109,78€

Efektīvi samaziniet strijas, rētas un ādas krāsas izmaiņas, izmantojot šo patērētāju pārbaudīto mikronīdlinga ārstēšanu ķermeņim. Klīniski pierādīts, ka šī procedūra sniedz redzamus rezultātus jau pēc 2 nedēļu lietošanas.

CIT Body Roller rullītis ir īpaši izstrādāts ķermeņa problemātisko zonu apstrādei, un tas ir divreiz platāks nekā CIT Face Roller sejas rullītis. Veicot šo procedūru, dabīgā kolagēna ražošana ādā palielināsies par vairāk nekā 200% jau pēc pirmās lietošanas reizes, un gelā esošo spēcīgo striju aizkavējošo aktīvo sastāvdaļu uzsūkšanās tiek palielināta par 1000 reizēm.


Efektīvi samaziniet strijas, rētas un ādas krāsas izmaiņas, izmantojot šo patērētāju pārbaudīto mikronīdlinga ārstēšanu ķermeņim. Klīniski pierādīts, ka šī procedūra sniedz redzamus rezultātus jau pēc 2 nedēļu lietošanas.

CIT Body Roller rullītis ir īpaši izstrādāts ķermeņa problemātisko zonu apstrādei, un tas ir divreiz platāks nekā CIT Face Roller sejas rullītis. Veicot šo procedūru, dabīgā kolagēna ražošana ādā palielināsies par vairāk nekā 200% jau pēc pirmās lietošanas reizes, un gelā esošo spēcīgo striju aizkavējošo aktīvo sastāvdaļu uzsūkšanās tiek palielināta par 1000 reizēm.

CIT Body Roller dermarollera iedarbība ir pielīdzināma efektam, ko sniedz lāzera procedūras. Tomēr mikronīdlinga procedūra var tikt veikta uz visiem ādas toņiem, neriskējot ar hiperpigmentāciju, jo procedūrā netiek izmantots karstums.

âme pure® CIT Body Roller izlīdzina ādas virsmu ar smalkām mikro adatām, kas izgatavotas no ķirurģiski piemērota nerūsējoša tērauda. Šī procedūra rada niecīgus, neredzamus punktiņus ādas augšējā slānī, kas nekavējoties iedarbina ķermeņa dziedināšanas procesu, aktivizējot kolagēnu un elastānu. Ādas dabīgais atjaunošanās process palīdz aizpildīt un izlīdzināt strijas, rētas un nevienmērīgu ādas tekstūru.

Papildus kolagēna ražošanas palielināšanai ādā, pētījumi rāda, ka epidermā radītie mikrokanāli palielina aktīvo sastāvdaļu absorbāciju līdz pat 1000 reizēm. Šī iemesla dēļ mēs izstrādājām Intensive Stretch Marks Induction Therapy™ Gelu, kura sastāvā ir lielas devas aktīvo sastāvdaļu. Klīniski pierādīts, ka šīs vielas palīdz cīņā ar strijām un rētām.

Šo spēcīgo ātri uzsūcošo gelu nepieciešams uzklāt uzreiz pēc rullīša procedūras. Tas samazinās apsārtumu, kas rodas pēc mikronīdlinga procedūras, vienlaikus nodrošinot ātru un uzlabotu dziedināšanu.

Gela un krēma klīniski pierādītie rezultāti pēc 8 nedēļām:

    • Striju garums samazinās par 50%;
    • Striju platums samazinās par 60%;
    • Striju krāsas intensivitāte samazinās par 77%;
    • Ādas elastība palielinās par 44%;
    • Tiek novērsta jaunu striju parādīšanās.

Klīnisko pētījumu rezultāti:

30 brīvprātīgie vīrieši un sievietes (vecumā no 19 līdz 55 gadiem), kuriem bija strijas uz vēdera, augšstilbiem, muguras vai sēžamvietas, divas reizes dienā uzklāja âme pure® Intensive Stretch Marks Induction Therapy™ GEL.

Vizuālo novērtējumu veica apmācīts klīnikas novērtētājs, izmantojot vizuālo analogo skalu ārstēšanas sākumā un pēc 2, 4, 8 un 12 nedēļām. Striju platums, garums un krāsa tika vērtēti pēc skalas no 0 (labākais stāvoklis) līdz 11 (sliktākais stāvoklis). Visi brīvprātīgie aizpildīja pašnovērtējuma anketu.

Ievērojami rezultāti tika iegūti jau pēc divām nedēļām, un tas ļāva lieliski uzlabot striju izskatu ārstēšanas beigās. Lielākā daļa brīvprātīgo atzina, ka ir ieguvuši ievērojamu uzlabojumu striju izskatā un ādas gludumā.


    • Nesatur parabēnus
    • Nesatur sulfātus
    • Nesatur ftalātus
    • Nesatur silikonu
    • Bez smaržvielām (gels)
    • Nav ģenētiski modificēts
    • Nav testēts uz dzīvniekiem
    • Dermatoloģiski testēts

âme pure® Sanitizer Spray aerosols tiek izmantots dezinfekcijai. Unikālais dezinfekcijas aerosols, kas īpaši izstrādāts priekš âme pure® – ir izcili piemērots lietošanai jebkurā laikā un vietā, bez ūdens un dvieļiem. Tas palīdz izvadīt kaitīgās baktērijas un padara ādu svaigu. Aerosola sastāvā ir E vitamīns, un tajā ir jaušamas svaiga citrona notis.

Izmantojiet âme pure® Sanitizer Spray dezinfekcijas aerosolu kopā ar CIT Rullīti/Zīmogu/Zīmuli. Ir svarīgi dezinficēt savu mikronīdlinga ierīci pirms un pēc katras lietošanas reizes.

Komplektā ietilpst:

1 x âme pure® CIT Body Roller
1 x Intensive Stretch Marks Induction Therapy™ Gel 80 ml
2 x âme pure® Sanitizer Spray 12ml
1 x detalizēta lietošanas pamācība

Ražots Eiropas Savienībā tikai un vienīgi âme pure® lietošanai, saskaņā ar ES kosmētikas LRP sertifikātu.

*Rezultāti dokumentēti vairākos klīniskos pētījumos. Rezultāts netiek 100% garantēts, un tā iedarbība var atšķirties atkarībā no cilvēka.


Jeanett Before After


The results are crazy! I’m so happy and surprised at how effective your products are. It seems like the treatment has slimmed and tightened my body, too! I got a lot of stretch marks after my pregnancy, so if you, too, struggle with stretch marks, I would for sure recommend âme pure! Many might think this is a joke, but it really does work! I’ve used the Intensive Stretch Marks Eraser 1.00mm.

Lisa Before After


When I looked down on my thighs one day I was shocked: I felt like stretch maks had appeared overnight... I just wanted to cry. I started to google and found âme pure. Like many others, I was skeptical and did not belive that a Body Roller along with a Gel and a Cream could really help. Today, I just feel blessed that I decided to buy this treatment. If I hadn't, I wouldn't ever had dared to wear a bikini in the summer. I actually only did the treatment for 6 weeks instead of 8 because I went on holiday, and I still got these amazing results. Thank you soooo much âme pure!

Kim Before After


I was very skeptical at first, I wasn't sure whether this treatment would give me even a minimal improvement. I don't have money for cosmetic surgery and I got so many stretch marks and scars after my pregnancy at 22 years old. My abdominal wall is completely torn and scarred and unfortunately that really does not look nice. I was hopefuly that the body roller could give me some results, and I have to say after only 3 times of use, my stomach looks sooo much better, which is amazing! I’m already overjoyed with the result that I got after just 1 week! I can only imagine what it will be like after 2 months! The least I can say is that I highly recommend it to everyone :) Thanks for the great product ♡

Yinka Before After


After just 2 weeks of use, I saw great results. The products give results fast and I can finally wear miniskirts and bikinis. It's worth every penny and I don’t regret buying the Stretch Marks Eraser even for a second!

Annette Before After


I’ve tried tons of treatments against stretch marks! My deep stretch marks really gave me low self esteem and I was close to spending a lot of money on surgery. Now, after 8 weeks of using the âme pure Intensive Stretch Marks Eraser 1.00mm, they have almost vanished! From having stretch marks that were 2 cm thick and deep, I went to having skin that just looks a little bit uneven in texture - and that's it! I really don’t know how this treatment can work so well, but it's just pure magic to me! I’m going to do a second treatment now to completely get rid of them!

Jeanett Before After


The results are crazy! I’m so happy and surprised at how effective your products are. It seems like the treatment has slimmed and tightened my body, too! I got a lot of stretch marks after my pregnancy, so if you, too, struggle with stretch marks, I would for sure recommend âme pure! Many might think this is a joke, but it really does work! I’ve used the Intensive Stretch Marks Eraser 1.00mm.

Lisa Before After


When I looked down on my thighs one day I was shocked: I felt like stretch maks had appeared overnight... I just wanted to cry. I started to google and found âme pure. Like many others, I was skeptical and did not belive that a Body Roller along with a Gel and a Cream could really help. Today, I just feel blessed that I decided to buy this treatment. If I hadn't, I wouldn't ever had dared to wear a bikini in the summer. I actually only did the treatment for 6 weeks instead of 8 because I went on holiday, and I still got these amazing results. Thank you soooo much âme pure!

Kim Before After


I was very skeptical at first, I wasn't sure whether this treatment would give me even a minimal improvement. I don't have money for cosmetic surgery and I got so many stretch marks and scars after my pregnancy at 22 years old. My abdominal wall is completely torn and scarred and unfortunately that really does not look nice. I was hopefuly that the body roller could give me some results, and I have to say after only 3 times of use, my stomach looks sooo much better, which is amazing! I’m already overjoyed with the result that I got after just 1 week! I can only imagine what it will be like after 2 months! The least I can say is that I highly recommend it to everyone :) Thanks for the great product ♡

Yinka Before After


After just 2 weeks of use, I saw great results. The products give results fast and I can finally wear miniskirts and bikinis. It's worth every penny and I don’t regret buying the Stretch Marks Eraser even for a second!

Annette Before After


I’ve tried tons of treatments against stretch marks! My deep stretch marks really gave me low self esteem and I was close to spending a lot of money on surgery. Now, after 8 weeks of using the âme pure Intensive Stretch Marks Eraser 1.00mm, they have almost vanished! From having stretch marks that were 2 cm thick and deep, I went to having skin that just looks a little bit uneven in texture - and that's it! I really don’t know how this treatment can work so well, but it's just pure magic to me! I’m going to do a second treatment now to completely get rid of them!

Jeanett Before After


The results are crazy! I’m so happy and surprised at how effective your products are. It seems like the treatment has slimmed and tightened my body, too! I got a lot of stretch marks after my pregnancy, so if you, too, struggle with stretch marks, I would for sure recommend âme pure! Many might think this is a joke, but it really does work! I’ve used the Intensive Stretch Marks Eraser 1.00mm.

Lisa Before After


When I looked down on my thighs one day I was shocked: I felt like stretch maks had appeared overnight... I just wanted to cry. I started to google and found âme pure. Like many others, I was skeptical and did not belive that a Body Roller along with a Gel and a Cream could really help. Today, I just feel blessed that I decided to buy this treatment. If I hadn't, I wouldn't ever had dared to wear a bikini in the summer. I actually only did the treatment for 6 weeks instead of 8 because I went on holiday, and I still got these amazing results. Thank you soooo much âme pure!

Kim Before After


I was very skeptical at first, I wasn't sure whether this treatment would give me even a minimal improvement. I don't have money for cosmetic surgery and I got so many stretch marks and scars after my pregnancy at 22 years old. My abdominal wall is completely torn and scarred and unfortunately that really does not look nice. I was hopefuly that the body roller could give me some results, and I have to say after only 3 times of use, my stomach looks sooo much better, which is amazing! I’m already overjoyed with the result that I got after just 1 week! I can only imagine what it will be like after 2 months! The least I can say is that I highly recommend it to everyone :) Thanks for the great product ♡

Yinka Before After


After just 2 weeks of use, I saw great results. The products give results fast and I can finally wear miniskirts and bikinis. It's worth every penny and I don’t regret buying the Stretch Marks Eraser even for a second!

Annette Before After


I’ve tried tons of treatments against stretch marks! My deep stretch marks really gave me low self esteem and I was close to spending a lot of money on surgery. Now, after 8 weeks of using the âme pure Intensive Stretch Marks Eraser 1.00mm, they have almost vanished! From having stretch marks that were 2 cm thick and deep, I went to having skin that just looks a little bit uneven in texture - and that's it! I really don’t know how this treatment can work so well, but it's just pure magic to me! I’m going to do a second treatment now to completely get rid of them!

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Dalies ar saviem rezultātiem

If you have your own before and after photos that you want to share with people so they can also experience and enjoy all the benefits that come with âme pure® Treatments, then we encourage you to send them to
If we do use your photos, we'll reward you for that with a free treatment of your choice.

Mēs iesakām veikt rullīša procedūru ar CIT Body Roller rullīti vakaros, 2-4 reizes nedēļā, katru otro nedēļu. Jums būs viena diena, kurā veicat šo procedūru un 1 nedēļa, kurā neveiksiet. Piemēram, izmantojiet rullīti svētdien, otrdien, ceturtdien, svētdien. Tad izlaidiet vienu nedēļu. Atkārtojiet līdz esat pabeidzis 2 mēnešu kursu. Ja Jums ir jutīga āda izlaidiet vairākas dienas starp rullīša procedūrām. Piemēram, izmantojiet to svētdien, trešdien un sestdien. Nekad neveiciet rullīša procedūru divas dienas pēc kārtas, jo ādai nepieciešams laiks, lai atjaunotos. Uzklājiet Intensive Stretch Marks Induction Therapy™ Gelu uz apstrādātās zonas uzreiz pēc mikronīdlinga procedūras.


  • The CIT Body Roller, GEL and CRÈME should not be used on the face.
  • Should not be used if you are allergic to surgical stainless steel.
  • The CIT Roller should be used only by you and must not be shared with others.
  • The CIT Roller should not be used on pimples, acne lesions, nodulocystic acne/ nodules, lumps, abscesses, boils, cyst, active herpes outbreaks or any other form of acute infection or inflammation of the skin.
  • The CIT Roller should not be used on keloid and hypertrophic scars (overgrowth of scar tissue that develops around a wound, raised above the skin).
  • The CIT Roller should not be used on raised moles or warts.
  • The CIT Roller should not be used on eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and solar keratosis.
  • The CIT Roller should not be used in conjunction with antibiotics.
  • Do not use any photosensitizing medication for 6-12 months before using the CIT Roller.
  • Should not be used on the areas on which chemotherapy/ laser treatment have been performed over the last 12 months.
  • Do not use the CIT Roller if you are suffering from hemophilia or diabetes.
  • Avoid exercise that causes sweating, saunas or steam baths if any skin irritation is present.
  • Not recommended for use for people under 18 years.
  • Do not use the CIT Roller on children or animals!
  • Keep it out of reach of children!

*If you use the right to withdrawal, all products included in the bundle also need to be sent back in unopened condition. If any product is not returned, the value of the said product will be deducted from the total credit amount.

  • Kopējās aktīvās sastāvdaļas gelā Intensive Stretch Marks Induction Therapy™ Gel: 7% (2% Betox-93®)
  • Intensive Stretch Marks Induction Therapy™ Gel INCI: Aqua, Glycerin, Betox-93® (Beta 1,3 / 1,6 Glucan), Caprylyl/ Capryl Glucoside, Urea, Lecithin, Pseudoalteromonas Ferment Extract, Acetyl Tripeptide-30 Citrulline, Penthapeptide-18, Acrylates/ C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamine, Xanthan Gum, Disodium EDTA, Caprylyl Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate
  • âme pure® Sanitizer Spray INCI: Alcohol (62 %), Water, glycerin, propylene glycol, Tocopheryl acetate, Perfume/Limonene

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Weronika bednarska
stretch-mark treatment

absolutely love this 100% has made a difference in my stretch marks, second time buying this and has definitely not disappointed:)

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Weronika bednarska
stretch-mark treatment

absolutely love this 100% has made a difference in my stretch marks, second time buying this and has definitely not disappointed:)